Friday, May 29, 2009

been to long

I guess i need to be more active on this thing, but when life is busy i guess it slips the time, in the world of sports indians might finally be turning it around, lets cross the fingers here.  Also my orlando magic are playing the best basketball of the season right now and i could not be more happier, we have the man child dwight howard doing his thing in the post and my boy the turkish "michael Jordan" playing great as well, lets hope we get this done in six games.

Life has been great lately i could not be more grateful of what i have and what is in store for my life, the church i attend has been fantastic, meeting more and more people each week and also joined the church softball team, man i missed playing so much.  Before this resurgence i was not ready for God to actually take hold again, i slacked off and put him on the back burner, the pastor there just lays it out on the line every week, and as i am leaving i realize that we have the same philosophy on we as christians have to do...LOVE one another, no legalism, no condemnation, show love not hate...showing Christ like love in a practical way...if i learned anything at MVNU in my 4 years there that was the most important, it is something that still sticks with me today.

Promise to update some more 
much love

Thursday, January 29, 2009

yep its back

so back to the lecture at great line of a song right goes it my friends out there? it goes well here i must say, life is starting to take shape which means a. i am getting old or b. i am growing up, neither of which i want to do at all whatsoever.

In sporting news the wonderful and amazing DUKE blue devils lost last night, they showed heart though and thats what i want to see from them night in and night out, that hasnt been shown these past few years and i want them to be heard this year. Oh and side note: if you are the number four team in the nation and at home DO NOT storm the court if you just beat the number one team in the nation, you are at home and ranked fourth you are supposed to win those kinds of games...Duke never has that, you know why? Expectations my friend thats why, we have a precedence that is unmatched we expect to win night in and night out, have you seen us storm the court before? NO!!!!! because of expectations...

ALso i have been attending this amazing nazarene church and i am starting to feel and remember what it like to experience God and all he has to offer to me, and also to have accountability with fellow christians, man it feels amazing.

i will leave you with this my friends.....
spring training is almost here LETS GO TRIBE!!!!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008


So the more i sit and think about it the more i realize that basketball has become prob number two in preference of sports behind college football. Not just college basketball which i love with all my heart but also and very surprising the NBA is put into that group as well. Now everyone knows i love DUKE with a passion, i follow their recruiting like my life depends on it, i am what would you call addicted. The reason i am doing all this is i have come to one giant conclusion in my life......

My skills are slipping and i am starting to fall into the old man category here just like peyton manning said it was gonna happen . Now i never claimed to be an exceptional athlete by any means of the imagination, i could always hold my own while in college i tried to the best of my abilities, but now they are starting to slip due to the lack of exercise in my life, its no ones fault but my own and i realize that, but its just getting sad really.

I attended a practice today with my boy j-mo, timmy and tags, and man do i miss being able to think i could compete with people, i now have become a running joke more than a person someone wants to actually play with GEESH. I show glimpses of the former self but like all great athletes of my day i am a shell of the man i once was.

This is going to change starting now, no longer will i let myself become more of a joker, the new year starts a new WALSH (i hope) not to become the superstar that i once was but to become better with my new found wisdom of old age and bag of tricks that i have picked up along the way.

SO WATCH OUT 2009 HERE COMES WALSH..........i hope

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Life

So it has been a few weeks since i started this whole shin dig and it's only my second post, way to keep up i know. Well for starters i got a new job at Chase as a pays the bills and thats all that matters to me right now. Also i would like to thank the legend we call TIM LAWSON for helping this guy fix his car. You know you have a true friend when he is out there with you in twenty below weather trying to fix a car with you.

Also something else happened today that was phenomenal, i got some free tix to the OSU versus WVU game on saturday, and that only means one thing i get to watch this guy ride the pine i say if you havent read his stuff then i highly suggest you do.

Also while we are on the topic of sports i must say my heart went a little black today with the Yankees signing one of my fave players (not anymore though) in Mark Teixeria, given the dude got his and signed for 180 million but couldn't it have been with another team? Lets hope the evil empire crashes and burns again like last year. One more thing as well a small congrats goes out to the Garret Shivley for beating me in the championship game of fantasy football well played my friend well played.

In closing i must say life is great and i couldnt be happier where it is going and who it is going with. With all the love in my heart i say MERRY CHRISTMAS (none of this happy holiday ish i hear all the time)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am ok with that

Well i guess i jumped on another bandwagon of the internet...oh well had to happen sometime i guess....Life is different in the real world, i have to come to find out that it isnt as easy as everything before it. I like it and hate it at the same time, because for the first time in my life i have been forced to grow up and not be "that guy walsh" i still have that persona, i am sure it will never leave me and i am ok with that. But i have begun to realize that the people you hang around with are the ones that affect your life. All my friends have serious jobs now and now i feel i must have the serious job as well, i am ok with that. I feel closer and closer to my friends everyday now as i see us growing up and becoming people that we could only imagine so few years ago. So whether is schwartz or morgan, or lambert (no first names needed here), i see us all becoming something that i must say am very proud of. Life moves fast and i am just trying to stay in the race.....