Friday, December 26, 2008


So the more i sit and think about it the more i realize that basketball has become prob number two in preference of sports behind college football. Not just college basketball which i love with all my heart but also and very surprising the NBA is put into that group as well. Now everyone knows i love DUKE with a passion, i follow their recruiting like my life depends on it, i am what would you call addicted. The reason i am doing all this is i have come to one giant conclusion in my life......

My skills are slipping and i am starting to fall into the old man category here just like peyton manning said it was gonna happen . Now i never claimed to be an exceptional athlete by any means of the imagination, i could always hold my own while in college i tried to the best of my abilities, but now they are starting to slip due to the lack of exercise in my life, its no ones fault but my own and i realize that, but its just getting sad really.

I attended a practice today with my boy j-mo, timmy and tags, and man do i miss being able to think i could compete with people, i now have become a running joke more than a person someone wants to actually play with GEESH. I show glimpses of the former self but like all great athletes of my day i am a shell of the man i once was.

This is going to change starting now, no longer will i let myself become more of a joker, the new year starts a new WALSH (i hope) not to become the superstar that i once was but to become better with my new found wisdom of old age and bag of tricks that i have picked up along the way.

SO WATCH OUT 2009 HERE COMES WALSH..........i hope

1 comment:

  1. you crack me up! I'm watchin out...waiting on a BETTER you! :)
