Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Life

So it has been a few weeks since i started this whole shin dig and it's only my second post, way to keep up i know. Well for starters i got a new job at Chase as a teller...it pays the bills and thats all that matters to me right now. Also i would like to thank the legend we call TIM LAWSON for helping this guy fix his car. You know you have a true friend when he is out there with you in twenty below weather trying to fix a car with you.

Also something else happened today that was phenomenal, i got some free tix to the OSU versus WVU game on saturday, and that only means one thing i get to watch this guy ride the pine http://clubtrillion.blogspot.com/ i say if you havent read his stuff then i highly suggest you do.

Also while we are on the topic of sports i must say my heart went a little black today with the Yankees signing one of my fave players (not anymore though) in Mark Teixeria, given the dude got his and signed for 180 million but couldn't it have been with another team? Lets hope the evil empire crashes and burns again like last year. One more thing as well a small congrats goes out to the Garret Shivley for beating me in the championship game of fantasy football well played my friend well played.

In closing i must say life is great and i couldnt be happier where it is going and who it is going with. With all the love in my heart i say MERRY CHRISTMAS (none of this happy holiday ish i hear all the time)

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